It s About Time I Tell You That I Have Borderline Personality Disorder

Personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder, or BPD, manifests itself in different ways. It commonly takes a toll on relationships with those closest to you. It could even cause you to develop an eating disorder. This may leave you feeling alone and misunderstood. Connecting with others who have the same diagnosis is often a big help. You may be relieved to realize others have the same experiences as you, and you’re not so unusual after all. Here are five blogs where you can find support and a spirit of community.

The goal of the Time to Change website is to end discrimination against people with mental conditions. The Borderline Personality Disorder blog on the site is written by individuals who’ve been diagnosed with BPD. They hope to bring awareness and acceptance to the disorder. This is a great blog to visit if you want to feel understood and empowered during your daily struggle with BPD.

The Borderline Blog at HealthyPlace is written by mental health professionals and individuals who have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. You’ll find advice on accepting your diagnosis and coping with your condition, as well as recommended resources like books, treatments, and supplements that might help you.

Life in a Bind is written by a young working mother who has struggled with BPD for many years. She found comfort and support by reading other blogs on BPD, so she started her own in the hopes she could help other sufferers by sharing her struggles, triumphs, and insights about the condition.

My BPD Blog is another glimpse into the personal life and daily thoughts of someone diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. The author doesn’t offer treatment advice. Instead, she offers the opportunity to connect with a kindred spirit and like-minded community so you won’t feel like you’re surrounded by people who don’t understand what you’re going through.

BPD Orchid is written by a blogger who’s struggled with borderline personality disorder for several years. She shares her insights about treatments and how important it is to accept yourself and your diagnosis. You’ll also find useful articles for dealing with anxiety issues, eating disorders, and the stigma that often accompanies BPD.

The great thing about following bloggers is that you can leave comments on articles and interact with the authors and other readers. This gives you a chance to tell your story and help others too. Before long, you’ll develop a network of friends and support that can help you understand your condition while giving you strength during your tough times.
