Internalizing Behavior Checklist for Children | LIVESTRONG.COM

Problem Checklist Psychology

Emotional Problems / April 15, 2018

The Revised Memory and Behavior Checklist (RMBC) (PDF, 130.42KB) is a 24-item caregiver-report measure revised from the original 64-item MBPC of observable behavioral problems in the loved one with dementia (Teri et al., 1992). It provides a total score plus scores for three subscale memory-related problems, affective distress and disruptive behaviors. Scores are computed for the presence or absence of each problem first, and then for caregiver “reaction” or the extent to which caregivers were “bothered” or “distressed” by each behavior. The questions derived from two sources: (a) 30 items from Zarit and Zarit (1983; Zarit et al., 1986, and Zarit et al., 1987) and (b) 34 items developed by the authors to include specific behaviors not assessed on the MBPC and thought to be easily observable and representative of memory-related problems (e.g., asking repeated questions), depression (e.g., crying) and disruptive behaviors (e.g., verbal aggression) in patients with dementia. The caregivers’ reaction to each behavior, or the extent of distress experienced, were scored as follows: Reactions are assessed by asking how ”upsetting” the behavior was on a Likert scale of 0 to 4 (0 = Not at all, 1= a little, 2 = moderately, 3 = very much, and 4 =extremely). Frequency of behaviors are assessed based on a Likert-scale of 0 to4 (0 = never occurs, 1 = occurs infrequently and not in the last week, 2 = occurred 1-2 times in the last week, 3 = occurred 3-6 times in the last week, and 4 = occurs daily or more often).

Validity and Reliability

Dementia Internal consistency for frequency and reaction was established by Cronbach’s alpha (.75 and .76, respectively), for memory-related problems.82 and .77 for depression, and .62 and .70 for disruptive behaviors. Factor analysis confirmed 3 first-order factors, consistent with the subscales just named and 1 general factor of behavioral disturbance. Overall scale reliability was good, with alphas of .84 for patient behavior and .90 for caregiver reaction. Subscale alphas ranged from .67 to .89.

Validity was confirmed through comparison of RMBPC scores with well-established indexes of depression, cognitive impairment and caregiver burden. For example, the frequency sub-scale was correlated with the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (r=.44, p
