How to care for your mental health this christmas

Mental Disorder Symptoms Checker

Syndromes / November 23, 2021

Bipolar disorder may include the following warning signs.

7 signs of mania

  1. feeling overly happy or “high” for long periods of time
  2. having a decreased need for sleep
  3. talking very fast, often with racing thoughts
  4. feeling extremely restless or impulsive
  5. becoming easily distracted
  6. having overconfidence in your abilities
  7. engaging in risky behavior, such as having impulsive sex, gambling with life savings, or going on big spending sprees

7 signs of depression

  1. feeling sad or hopeless for long periods of time
  2. withdrawing from friends and family or losing interest in activities that you once enjoyed
  3. having a significant change in appetite
  4. feeling severe fatigue or lack of energy
  5. speaking slowly
  6. having problems with memory, concentration, and decision-making
  7. thinking about or attempting suicide, or having a preoccupation with death

Types of bipolar disorder

Although there are four common types of bipolar disorder, there are two types that are most often diagnosed.

Bipolar I

This classic form of bipolar disorder used to be called “manic depression.” In bipolar I, manic phases are clear. The person’s behavior and moods are extreme, and their behavior quickly escalates until they’re out of control. The person may end up in the emergency room if left untreated.

To have bipolar I, a person must have manic episodes. In order for an event to be considered a manic episode, it must:

  • include moods or behaviors that are unlike the person’s usual behavior
  • be present most of the day, nearly every day during the episode
  • last at least one week, or be so extreme that the person needs immediate hospital care

Bipolar II

Bipolar II is four times more common than bipolar I. It includes symptoms that are much less severe. These symptoms are called hypomanic symptoms. Bipolar II is harder for people to see in themselves, and it’s often up to friends or loved ones to encourage someone with this type to get help. Hypomania often becomes worse without treatment, and the person can become severely manic or depressed.

Rarer types of bipolar

There are two other types of the disorder that are less common than bipolar I and II. Cyclothymic disorder involves mood swings and shifts similar to bipolar I and II, but the shifts are often less dramatic in nature. A person with cyclothymic disorder can often function normally without medication, though it may be hard. Over time, a person’s mood swings may develop into a diagnosis of bipolar I or II.

Bipolar disorder not otherwise specified is a general category for a person who only has some bipolar symptoms. These symptoms are not enough to make a diagnosis of one of the other three types.

What bipolar disorder feels like

Hear from real people who live with bipolar disorder.

Bipolar Disorder Quote Gallery

How is bipolar diagnosed?

Bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose. Unless you have severe mania, the symptoms can be hard to spot. People who have hypomania may feel more energized than usual, more confident and full of ideas, and able to get by on less sleep. These are things that hardly anyone complains about. You’re more likely to seek help if you’re depressed, but your doctor may not observe the manic side then.

When doctors do suspect bipolar disorder, they may use a few different approaches to make the diagnosis:

  • a physical exam to rule out any other medical conditions that could cause your symptoms, such as thyroid disease
  • a mental health evaluation, which may include a questionnaire and interviews with family members
  • a mood-charting diary to keep track of your sleep patterns and daily moods
  • the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which can be used to compare your symptoms with the official description

If you’re worried that you might have bipolar disorder, the best thing to do is educate yourself about mood disorders and their symptoms. Then share your list of symptoms with your doctor.

It can be harder to address if you’re concerned about a friend or loved one having bipolar disorder. Ask for help from other friends or family members. People with bipolar disorder often deny any problems, especially during manic episodes. Think of bipolar disorder as you would any other serious disease, and get professional help right away.

Bipolar and other illnesses

People with bipolar disorder may have other psychological diagnoses, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and substance abuse. The desire to medicate their bipolar with drugs or alcohol can put them at risk for substance abuse. Men are more likely to deal with substance abuse alongside their bipolar. Women most often experience thyroid disease, obesity, and migraines with bipolar.

Approximately 1 in 5 people with a bipolar diagnosis also have borderline personality disorder. There are some similarities between the two disorders, but there are also many differences in the symptoms and causes. More research is needed to understand the relationship between them.

How is bipolar treated?

Once you have a diagnosis, your doctor will decide on a treatment program that works best for you. Bipolar treatment may include:

A licensed psychiatrist usually manages your treatment. You may also have a social worker, psychologist, or psychiatric nurse practitioner involved in your care.

Common prescriptions for people with bipolar include mood-stabilizing drugs. Mood stabilizers, such as those containing lithium and valproic acid (Depakene), will help with manic episodes. If mood stabilizers are not enough to improve a person’s quality of life, a doctor may next prescribe antidepressant-antipsychotic drug combinations such as fluoxetine-olanzapine (Symbyax).

Treatment for bipolar must be ongoing. When people stop taking medication or meeting with their doctor, they will likely have manic and depressive episodes again. However, with the proper treatment, bipolar disorder can be controlled and a person can lead a healthy and productive life.
