The Six Most Interesting Psychology Papers of 2015 | The New Yorker

Good Psychological research Topics

Psychological / May 4, 2022

It is known that people of different ethnic groups find it hard to distinguish the faces of people not in their ethnic group ("you all look alike"). This works in all directions. When a White person describes the looks of another White person, he/she will often say something about hair style and color and eye color. This won't work well with Asians or Africans. So:

1) How do people of different ethnicities describe people of their own and other ethnicities?

People behave differently when others are present. So

2) In a public washroom, do you wash your hands more often/thoroughly if others are there?

Body image, eating disorders etc are a hot topic. One topic that I don't think has been looked at is

3) The longitudinal relationship between % body fat, perception of % body fat, eating behaviors and eating disorders

4) When an elevator, train or bus starts gettting crowded, who moves where? When it empties, who moves where?
