Research on mental Illness
Mental Health America periodically publishes research papers and reports to further important work in the field of mental health policy and advocacy.
The Working Group on Mental Health Promotion to Advance the Conditions for Learning in Schools and Early Care and Education was convened by the National Collaborative on Education and Health in 2016, and hosted by Trust for America’s Health, Healthy Schools Campaign, and Mental Health America, with facilitation by RESOLVE and support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. This final report includes findings on: The science behind mental health promotion, social and emotional learning (SEL) and education; Making the case for mental health promotion and SEL in schools and early care and education to improve health and advance the conditions for learning; The current challenges and opportunities for communities, schools, early care and education and other stakeholders in mental health promotion and SEL; and Specic policy recommendations to promote mental health and the conditions for learning in schools and early care and education.
In recognition of National Caregivers Month (November), Mental Health America (MHA) and the Temple Collaborative for Community Inclusion of People with Psychiatric Disabilities (TU Collaborative) announce the release of their most recent project, entitled Community Inclusion from the Perspective of Caregivers.
Reflecting caregivers’ frustration, fear, hope, and love for those they care for, this monograph highlights and expounds upon the views expressed in a 2016 survey of almost five-hundred caregivers of people with mental health conditions. Caregivers shared their perspectives in thousands of comments on topics such as access to treatment, services, and housing; employment and finances; education and supports; friendships and intimate relationships; religion and spiritually; recreation and community events; and health and wellness. This monograph offers a close up view of the entrenched stigma and barriers that caregivers say their loved ones, and that they also, experience that impact many aspects of their lives.