15 Illustrations That Explain Mental Illnesses As Houses | So Bad

mental ilnesses

Mental Disabilities / September 18, 2019

From that initial National Depression Screening Day in 1990, our programming and reach has expanded dramatically. In addition to National Depression Screening Day in October, we now also have National Alcohol Screening Day in April and the National Eating Disorders Program which is promoted annually during the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week—the last week of February.

In addition to these annual screening events, we have several educational screening programs targeted toward various demographics including teenagers, college students, the general adult population and seniors. Since our founding, thousands of organizations worldwide including hospitals, mental health centers, social service agencies, government agencies, military installations, older adult facilities, primary care clinics, colleges, secondary schools, corporations, and HMO's have utilized our educational and screening programs.

I encourage you to explore our website, learn more about the programs we offer, take a look at our educational resources and blog, and even take a mental health screening yourself. Educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of mental illness and join us as we strive to have mental health viewed and treated with the same gravity as physical health.

Source: mentalhealthscreening.org